Monday, June 21, 2010

More Downsizing... More Time and Friends

In addition to stepping-down as active RCAF Air Marshal, I will now retire from the Second Life Bloggers inworld group. From what I understand, the NING Second Life Bloggers group will be deleted sometime in August 2010.

Choosing Tymmerie Thorne as my successor was one of the best decisions I made. My worst being the migration of memberships from NING to Grouply. The resulting hate and vitriol that came out of that mess was the final straw for me.

Let me be very clear, I am NOT leaving Second Life. I'm just retiring from a few organizations that have become more of a burden than fun, and when I first signed-up for SL it was all about fun for me.

I can tell you that "herding cats" is no fun at all. It's draining and exhausting to manage your RL AND manage so many virtual groups in SL. What on Earth was I thinking? I learned I'm no Supergirl, that's for DAMN sure!

At the height of my inworld activities I made as many friends as I lost. I mention losing friends because many are gone from SL now. Many were close to me, at least I thought so at the time. I was too busy to notice they were slipping away from me, and too busy to notice when they left SL. When I did notice it was months later. I thought I'd never have regrets in SL but that is my great regret... Not having the time to be a good friend.

So I intend to go back to my roots...

A "Girl with Guns" exploring SL, logging many adventures and posting to her little inconsequential blog.

See you on the Grid my friends.


Lisa Lorraine said...

I was an early member of SL Bloggers and I really do appreciate all the blood, sweat and tears you put into the project. I understand how hard it is to let something you love go to move on to something more sane. I bid you a sad farewell to SL Bloggers with a warm welcome to new adventures. And I look forward to your new posts!!!!

Rhianon Jameson said...

There are enough activities in RL that are both a slog and unavoidable that no one needs another one in a virtual life. Indeed, I've told RL friends that they should cut out voluntary activities when those activities stop being fun. As difficult as the decision must have been for you, it's the right one if the work kept getting in the way of the enjoyment.

Brinda said...

Zoe, I had just joined SL bloggers a few days before the end of your tenure. I thought it a little sad that so many got so excited at a days worth of Email spamm. I just deleted.
I think we all end up surprised at finding we developed such close relationships here in a virtual world....then find out one day that some slipped away while we were busy.
When those times come...I try and remember the good times, and I think about something my good friend Ling says, "This is supposed to be fun."

Aunt Foggy said...

I look forward to seeing you and your guns about and having a good time! Hopefully soon there will be a way to have fun flying again as well!
Fair Winds, and luck in finding your bliss again :)

Yordie Sands said...

Hugzzz Zoe

Edward Pearse said...

Meh. The Grouply thing was annoying but I'm sad you got hate mail over it. Some people really need to get their priorities looked at.

As for the other, Looking forward to some stuff happening with Timeforce 10 (which will probably need a new home).

Drop me a line if you want to organise some stories

Dale Innis said...

And dancing? I hope dancing... :)

Squad 7 said...

@ Dale...

Yes, more dancing too!