Thursday, November 6, 2008


TEOTGAWKI = The End Of The Grid As We Know It

We have a few weeks left to enjoy some of the beautiful Openspace sims in SL.

Changes related to SL Aviation....

As long as present Openspace sims exist, I'll continue to schedule air combat dogfights until the end of 2008. There will no longer be any organized dogfights for us beginning in January 2009.

Although our main events will obviously change, EDF and RCAF will still exist.

Our communities live on in both the EDF and RCAF Nings, and for those of us who wish for an air combat experience there is a discussion on the RCAF Ning on how we may continue to dogfight on the web. There is still hope for us die-hard pilots, but SL is no longer a friendly place for our activities.

My own outlook....

I am profoundly saddened with the news from Linden Labs.

I will make some subtle changes to the Connolly Aerodrome in Caledon Penzance as we move away from traditional flight scripted aircraft to hovering-scripted craft. No need for a runway.

Far less spending on aircraft for Zoe and her alts. Good for Zoe's purse. Not so good for aircraft builders.

I imagine a less-active pilot Zoe after the New Year. But Zoe does so many other things and really enjoys machinima production. So I imagine Zoe and her alts accomplishing great things in 2009 and beyond.

I'll make a purchase of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 in the near future. I've been chatting with Cornelius Fanshaw and Phineas Messmer about how we could create an active online EDF/RCAF presence in a combat flight sim away from SL. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 seems to be a good combination of historic and alternate history aircraft that appeals to so many of us.

IL2-Sturmovik : Retribution

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