Monday, August 6, 2007

An eventful weekend in Antiquity and Caledon

I haven't been very sociable over the past weekend but I really have a good reason....really!

I'm a new land owner! w00t! With parcels in Antiquity Cove and Caledon Regency.

First and foremost, a special thank you to Caledon Guvnah Desmond Shang for everything he does for his citizens in providing us with an incredible number of sims. 19 now and growing...

I Twittered my new land purchase in Antiquity and the sim opening of Caledon Regency throughout the weekend and friends and fellow bloggers dinee and DesertWolf were right there to congratulate me along the way. The first snap here shows the 3 of us at the steps of my new property early Sunday morning. That house is no more and has since changed to the lighthouse you see in the other photos.

The lighthouse was built by Miss Tiana Meriman and judging from the number of visitors and compliments we received last night by my fellow Caledonians, they seem quite impressed. Ever worried, my dear Tiana was busy with correcting flaws she noticed, but was still able to address questions from the developing throng. Another very special thank you to my girl Tiana for building this wonderful lighthouse for me.

The lighthouse design is loosely based on a favorite from Holland, Michigan known as Big Red. We've adapted a few things to make it more Caledonian, of course, but the size of the build has been most impressive, and seems to be one of the largest structures in Regency.

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