Thursday, December 4, 2008

Zoe's morning Sortie

This machinima is full of continuity errors ;)

I tossed these shots and edits together in one hour. I think it illustrates great potential for integrating 2 or more game platform captures into a single machinima for more interesting story-telling. Imagine what could be done with more time and effort.

Suggestion for this idea came from Phineas Messmer. Thanks Phin ;)


Mark said...

very adventurous

Eladrienne Laval said...

Ooo...Phin & I were talking about this! So nice to see that you made one!

ricmadeira said...

Aww, nice!

Not sure if the inside cockpit shots will ever blend well with the frantic flying, though, they're so static... but maybe it's just a question of finding the right anims... or having another SLer tape inside cockpit shots while you fly in SL (sounds hard, though... maybe do it like Hollywood and put a moving screen/texture next to the cockpit, LOL?)... or more time spent on editing, what do I know?

Hey, you totally need to do some shots from the POV of the targets too. I really missed seeing those bombers you took down on the last video blowing up from up close and spiraling down to their fiery deaths with the little guys opening their little parachutes.
I *think* that if you record your flight with Il-2's replay thingy, you can then pretty much video-edit it at leisure and find the right POV/angle for each piece of the action before saving it and playing it back again to videotape it with FRAPS (or whatever).

Squad 7 said...

Hi Julian,

I used the IL-2 dynamic POV and Fraps to capture the video from IL-2.

I didn't have much time to set-up a decent in-cockpit shot, but it was better than a card that read "Insert SL cockpit segment here"
