I'm shocked and saddened to hear that a dear friend in SecondLife has passed away in RealLife. I'll miss you Sumie :(
May you fly in the heavens and show God your latest new airplane....
Group Notice From: Gabrielle Riel
Sumie Kawashima passed away in RL Friday evening, Dec 12 of complications from a bone infection. Sumie's rezday was Aug 13, 2007, & she became a Caledon resident soon thereafter. A designer, builder, and test pilot of various aircraft, she founded Kawashima Aero. Sumie was a Group Captain in the Royal Caledon Air Force, head of the Risen Demons, and demon-protectress of the Tamrannoch Sanitorium. Her friends will sorely miss her. Memorial service will be announced at a later date. Boing boing, Sumie.

She was a very funny girl. Which is, a lost art.
Zoe, Id be honored to place a headstone for her in the Caledon Moors Cemetary - If you think that would be appropriate, could I have have a copy of the RCAF logo/emblem?
Sharing your loss,
Miss Serra
Sorry for your the loss of your friend.
It was sad to hear that Sumie passed away in RL a few days ago. Although I had not seen her in SL for a while, I was under the impression that she was away for some reason, only to see her coming on line a few days ago for a short time. Knowing her for quite a while, I was impressed by her latest concept, the TruDragonfly fighter. She gradually improved this design to a very unique and interesting flying craft which should have been for sale shortly…It is a great pity that we never have the chance to fly this craft. I will not forget you Sumie, rest in peace.
i was truly shocked and saddened by the loss of Sumie when i heard the news, she was a true friend and All that knew here will definitely miss her
Sumie was a great inventor a mind that was very-much unlike anyone else's in that she had some of the strangest ideas for flying machines.
she was a fun-loving caring person and everyone will miss her dearly
Keep on flying In the clouds Sumie.
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