Tumansky Heavy Industries Blog: A Report from Sundays AAA Dogfight at Aeronautica
Text and Photos below by Mifune Thibaud:
Wrapup of AAA's first combat event - Success!
Thank you to everyone who came and participated, moderators/instructors and visitors!
Our first event was a big success! We had a respectable turnout of pilots, many of whom stayed all the wayfrom 12:00 - 2:30 SLT! (the event was only intended to be 1hr long, but everyone got very involved in the battles)
For this event we organized team based combat, using VICE. We split the pilots up into two teams, [AAA] for the pilots that would fly out from Aeronautica, and [URI] for those that would fly from the Undinian Rebel Island. We had a best 3 out of 5 competition where our pilots engaged in 3vs3 and 4vs4 combat. Scarlet Flak's URI wound up winning the event that day, but the AAA pilots put up a hell of a fight, with the event going all the way to 5 rounds. It was a good day and everyone had a lot fun.
We will be having another event next week, and we will try something new to keep things fresh. If you missed out on the event today, try to make it to the next event and invite some people!
Our events are always free, and they are not just combat related. Come join us
-Mifune Thibaud

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Tumansky Heavy Industries Blog: A Report from Sundays AAA Dogfight at Aeronautica
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