Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monarch of the Skies!

This morning several pilots of the Royal Caledon Air Force gathered in Liberty Lovelace for Air Combat Wargames. Our Rules of Engagement (RoE) were very simple and seemed to work as well as could be expected in a limited sim with constraints on avatar population and scripting.

Our dogfight was a variation on "King of the Hill"

We'll call it "Monarch of the Skies"

Only two pilots fly at any given time. The winner of each round lives on to fight against the next pilot in line, and so on.

It seemed to go very well. I had positive feedback from everyone and requests for more regular combat exercises.

RCAF pilot Vickster Kuhn was the winner with the most "kills".... She's our Queen of the Skies today.

...but the bigger winner was the RCAF Group. We're back in the game!

More events to come ;)

In attendance today: Josh Noonan (pilot), Sin Trenton (pilot), Dan Gervasi (pilot), Vickster Kuhn (pilot and overall winner today), Ilsa Munro (observer), Curtis Lamplight (tiny observer), and Zoe Connolly (organizer).

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