Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Miss South Carolina (wtf?)

A gentle reminder of why SL is better than RL.

Hey, why not post your own YouTube examples of why SL is better than RL? Send me the link if you do!

*places her blonde hair in a trunk and hides it in a closet for an undisclosed period of time*


tiana meriman said...

aah uuuhh dduurrr! this question was like so hard! i mean like you know, my agent didnt tell me what to say! uuuhhh duurrr!!

CatDude said...

OMG, that's unbelievable! I was laughing so hard I nearly fell off my chair :)

Jezabelle Charron said...

I love how she answered a different question than what she was asked, such as, and such as. POOR US, WE HAVE NO MAPS!!!!

And I am sure when they asked this gal what her career/ future plans are, she said brain surgeon.