Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Breaking News!

My Evil Half-Sister Zabrina to have not one but two land parcels in Caledon Cape Wrath!

What nefarious plans does she have for us!?

And will she stay on her medication!?

This is NOT a "Hoooo!" moment at all!


Eladrienne Laval said...

*mutters and loads gun* I have not forgotten her threats against me in the past. I shall have to be well-prepared then...

Squad 7 said...

Indeed, Miss Laval!

Whether she be medicated or not, always be on your guard!

Jeff said...

Wait a second - there is land out there called "Cape Wrath" ???!!

/me makes mental note to call real estate agent, stat!

Skusting Dagger said...

Welcome her with some of Ordinal's Festive Humbugs!

Diamanda Gustafson said...

/me listens.
/me is ready.

Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

Fraulein Connolly,

There shall be resources available to you in Port Absinthe, a moment's away, at least part-time.


Klaus Wulfenbach, Baron