Monday, July 5, 2010

The Missing

KC's father discovered her involvement in the French Resistance when they both learned of JP's death at the hands of the Gestapo. JP's team, recognizing KC's contributions and leadership over the previous 2 years, went directly to her for guidance.

Her father was in shock and didn't say anything to her about her involvement for weeks. He needed to grieve over his son first. The war took a huge toll on her family, and... "No!" she told herself. She pushed thoughts of her father aside for the moment. She couldn't bear to think of all that now. Even two years later it was as painful as two days after.

As sad as her brother's death was, KC thought of the others she once knew who were dead or missing since Nazi Occupation.

So many names. So many faces.

Her latest missing friend was her British contact, Ian. She knew that something very big was to happen within the next few months. But what exactly? Was it the invasion the Nazi's so feared and the French wanted so much?

She was ready for it, but on what day?

She rowed her boat closer to shore thinking of his handsome face, but also very worried for his safety. KC had lost contact with him almost two weeks earlier.

It was vital to the Resistance to find out what was happening.

There was something more. Before the chaos of the invasion intervened, she wanted to be in his arms, kiss him once again, rest her head on his shoulder and feel safe once again.

Cross-posted on the TimeForce 10 Group Blog

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