Friday, June 6, 2008

McBama No! Zoe Yes!

Zoe Connolly 2008

This 2008 Campaign season is a series of historic firsts with the first viable African-American and Female candidates for President of the United States (POTUS).

But if we look beyond these exciting events and look to the issues, we see a few problems with Obama, Clinton, and McCain.

On the Democratic Party side, Barack Obama makes countless voters swoon over well crafted but empty speeches about change and Hillary Clinton - now mostly despised within the party - drops from the race for nomination.

Meanwhile John McCain disappoints conservatives within the Republican Party by turning his back on their movement. The media-darling Maverick Republican now treated like all other Republicans because he dared to run against Democrats for the Presidency.

I believe there is a third approach that will gain support among Tolerant Progressive Conservative Libertarian Transhumanist Christian Agnostic Buddhist Pro-Military Gun-Owners with Low-Carbon Footprints. In the next few weeks I will outline my vision for America's Future.

I hereby announce today.... My name is Zoe Connolly and I'm running for President Of The United States. I am the first female avatar from a virtual world to run for the US Presidency.

So if neither candidate excites you, don't sit this one out, vote for Zoe Connolly as a write-in candidate. It's better than voting none-of-the-above. And I'm way hotter than Hillary.

Paid for by the Zoe Connolly for President 2008 Campaign Committee in Caledon Penzance


Ravishal said...

Rumor has it that Zoe the avatar has sex!(unlike Hillary and McCain). Obama has it, but he hates the country he does it in.

Vote for Zoe! She has sex in a country she loves!

ArminasX said...

Congrats and Good Luck, Zoe!

Um, if you win, can I be Secretary of Particles?

Squad 7 said...


Yes I'll need a Secretary of Particles I can trust.


Hilarious! And oh so true!

Edward Pearse said...

I dunno. Cthulhu is still on the top billing for my running sheet.

But then this is American politics. How many millions of dollars have the oil companies contributed to your slush... er... campaign fund?

Squad 7 said...


Oil Companies? None so far.

Which reminds me.

Hey Exxon-Mobile! Call me!

Dale Innis said...

Yay! I'll vote for you without even much of a bribe! When do the polls open in SL?

Eladrienne Laval said...

As long as I have my fancy-schmancy Cabinet position, you've got my vote!

Forget that! I want VP. Then I can go "hunting"...