Sunday, September 16, 2007

I'm at a loss....

Tonight I was accused of being a spy for New Babbage against my beloved Caledon. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this....but I mostly cried on a few shoulders... I'm still upset over it...I want so very much to create alliances between all the Victorian steampunk lands I love...I fear my efforts are lost.


Anonymous said...

Madam, I was surprised to read of what happened, but not shocked.

What “vital information” are you going to acquire through “espionage” for New Babbage (a hotbed of experienced builders and coders) from Caledon (not to denigrate technical artists there, but the vast majority of residents [from my perception] simply wish to enjoy a Victorian atmosphere, and enjoy themselves). I would argue that it is perhaps something a tad more subtle. I shall refrain from printing my original diatribe until I learn more about the circumstances in question.

Madam, you bravely volunteered to assume the mantle of cooperation and goodwill between Victorian sims in SL, a thankless task. There are few who would be willing to attempt this, and less who could have the ability and panache to see it to fruition. The baseless accusation leveled towards you smacks of arrogance and sim regionalism, a close-minded and belittling attitude towards this worthwhile and meritable goal.

I am confident in saying that you have the support of the vast majority of Caledon, New Babbage, Steelhead, Deadwood, Tombstone, and the entirety of Antiquity in promoting cooperation between the disparate Victorian, Steampunk, and Western sims. There will always be those who wish to assuage their egos at the expense of others – apparently you have met one such character wrapping themselves in Caledonian colors. I would say this person is a resident of Caledon, but does not have the heart of true Caledonian.

Eladrienne Laval said...

Well said Mr. Fabre!!

This accusation is a preposterous one, not to mention divisive.

Edward Pearse said...

Well said Dr. Fabre.

Miss Connolly I realise there will always be those whose Primary School mentality of *my sim's better than your sim*, but hopefully you are able to overlook that and continue to enjoy all those sims you frequent.

I would also suggest you try and organise a chat with Lady Primbroke (Christine McAllister) who has been working towards some cross-sim interaction. The recent Harvest Festival in both Steelhead and Caledon is the first to go ahead (sadly no other sims seemed to be interested in participating).

Tinsel Silvera said...

I have posted my own blog entry on this ridiculous accusation. Do not worry Miss Zoe. Anyone who knows you wouldn't believe it for a moment. Take care and keep on doing what you do best. We are all blessed to have you amongst us.

Squad 7 said...

Thank you so much Dr Fabre, Miss Laval, Lord Primbroke, and Mr Silvera.

I have been very blessed to know each one of you and your words are most encouraging. I've had the pleasure of receiving much support throughout Caledon and Antiquity.

After many consultations and evaluations, I see no reason to quit or reduce my activities. My endeavors will continue following a brief rest period.

London Spengler said...

Hello Zoe. I am not very interested on steampunk, but being an irredeemable busybody, had to have a look when I readed about your problem on Worlds of SL.

Don't truly know what happened, the cause and range of the accusations, but I want to add my support for you.

Yes, without even knowing.

I know how you work for the blogging community, and have readed enough to see how you love Caledon. That love, knowing that it is almost impossible to prove something here, and that all worlds are full of egos that go too far, makes me keep my faith on you.

So here you have the oppinion of somebody that almost doesn't know you and only read your blog at odd fortnights (:-p)... and that gives me a weight, since it should be the same of other casual readers: Keep the good work, knowing we are with you.

And if a stranger things like this, how will your friends not support you?... Wait, they are already doing, as I can see at the previous comments :-)

Squad 7 said...

thank you, London.

allow me to clarify a few things...

I've been involved in espionage for some time. But all in service to the neo-Victorian Steampunk nations, not against one another. My most recent mission was as a mole within the Antiquity Pirates Group for the Caledon Navy. Information was to be sent to Caledon Naval Intelligence who would then redirect the gathered information to representatives of the Antiquity Navy, further fostering a co-operative relationship.