Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Neko Bartender

Practicing my flair bartending behind the counter at Wet Whiskers. What'll it be boys?


Anonymous said...

I'll have a scotch on the rocks... and maybe some catnip.

Anonymous said...

Got any absinthe back there?

Anonymous said...

Absinthe sounds good - and none of that imported stuff!

Oh, and a shot of some hairball remedy if you've got it.

Shoot, is Dalien bogarding that ball of yarn again?

Squad 7 said...

Sure, one Scotchnip coming up.

Absinthe? No problem, I have an airship deliver a case of the stuff from Caledon twice a week.

Unknown said...

Cool!, well than I am a happy kitty...

Squad 7 said...


The hairball remedies go fast. I'm currently out, but there's a Walgreen's on the corner.