Sunday, September 2, 2007

Update on SL Bloggers Group Logo Contest

((Please note the new deadlines and inworld display location))

I'm searching for a logo for the Second Life Bloggers Group. dinee and I will award 5000 Linden Dollars to the designer of the best Logo. Winners will be decided by our group members.

Logo designs should be in a few formats.

512 x 512 texture for use on the group tab and on inworld signs/objects.

Vertical and Horizontal Banners and Badges in jpg and gif format to be used on our blogs.

Send all submissions to Zoe Connolly in the following manner...

1 ) Send a 512 x 512 Texture to my inventory.
It would be helpful to add your logo texture to a flat notecard-giving object with a bio/description. Please make the object modifiable.

2 ) Create jpg's or gif's for use as banners and badges on our blogs. Use this banner webpage as a guide. I'm looking for a full banner, a square button, and a skyscaper images. Send any jpg's or gif's to my email address...

zoeconnolly (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Group members will vote on the winner. Contest Entries will be displayed at the new Connolly Telegraph and Second Life Bloggers Headquarters in Antiquity Cove. Click here for the SLurl to Zoe's parcel in Antiquity Cove.

Entry Deadline is 12:00 PM SL time Sunday September 9th.

Voting will start at 12:00 PM SL time Sunday September 16th.

and remain open until 12:00 PM SL time Sunday September 23rd.

Disclaimer: Linking to this post is "All Voluntary Of Course"

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