Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Influences for the character of Zoe Connolly (Part 2)

In my previous post The Fictional Influences for the character of Zoe Connolly (Part 1), I introduced Diana Rigg as one of many action heroine influences for my portrayal in Second Life.

In this post I feature the always beautiful Raquel Welch as skydiving super-spy Fathom and as Elle mentioned in her own post, Sophia Loren....

Sugar and Spice: Raquel Welch Is Fathom-tastic!

Raquel Welch and Sophia Loren are two more women with influence on my avatars appearance as Zoe Connolly. What are your influences and how do they manifest in the virtual world of Second Life?

Look for Part 3 tomorrow....

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