Tuesday, May 22, 2007

SL Mission Impossible....Part 1

I knew I was pressing my luck. I haven't been an active field operative in quite some time now. I was wandering, exploring as I usually do while most decent avatars in my North American time zones are fast asleep. In the quiet stillness my "company" phone began to ring. It hadn't rung in so long I forgot the special ringtone.

It quickly dawned on me - a flood of past images, missions, assassinations, close friends lost in battle or undocumented covert ops, other "friends" exposed as moles.

*sighs* I knew my carefree days were over. "Frak."

"Reactivation," I cursed loudly though no one could hear me within 96 meters.

I reported to divisional headquarters, though I knew the chief wasn't in. My incoming call was an automated message and they know my habits and schedules far too well. Were they watching me now?

The Chief was another "decent" avatar who was fast asleep while I looked for something, anything, aimless trouble, to keep me amused. Perhaps I needed a little focus? No not *this* way. I had to find a way out of this.

But as I sat in the conference chair, back in familiar territory, my curiosity got the better of me. I had to know what was going on and why the Chief felt he needed me again. Frankly, I was itching for action and a good fight.

I shook off my thoughts, took a deep breath, and triggered the identification scan.

After the laptop booted, a video file from the desktop opened and began to load. In a minute I would see my boss again. I had butterflies in my stomach. We had a long and sordid past, but mostly a professional one. We kept each others secrets, from our families and the citizens we protect.

I'll admit it was good seeing his face again and I caught myself grinning.

The audio file was slightly out of sync with the video due to the SL lag, but a few seconds later, his familiar voice filled my eager ears.

"Good Morning, Ms. Connolly..."

My eyes welled with tears.

>>>>To be continued<<<<


Anonymous said...

Gosh, what a thrilling life you live, looking forward to the next installment!

Anonymous said...

No Zoe! It's a setup. I can smell these things regions away--they never reactivate you without having planned your obsolescence well in advance. If you must accept, I would let Agent Paine in on the QT so he can watch your back.

Squad 7 said...

Hey Alex! You just gave me an idea. I'll entertain any and all plot suggestions for this series. A cross between Choose Your Own Adventure and a blog.

Anonymous said...

Strictly off the record, inter-agency operations, Alex? Not sure codename Zoe would go for that - she's been a solo operative far too long. Although, with this newly assigned reactivation, perhaps she should take up your suggestion for extra assistance from a distance, as it were, which I would be more than happy to provide. Even more so once I wrap up things in Topgol... unless this is leading where I dare not say...

Anonymous said...

CIA? hmmm...long and sordid past with the boss? hmmm....I'm sure Agent Paine is going to be investigating that one. Hopefully in Part 2 we'll get some answers!

tiana meriman said...

oh this is going to be interesting ^^ a new story for me to follow and to try and figure out what is happening, maybe even covert ninja assassins as ennemies *wink* *wink*