Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Two New Blogs in the works....

SL BloggerCon 2008 will cover news about our proposed convention for Second Life Bloggers. BloggerCon is tentatively scheduled for late February 2008.

After consultation with Caledon Librarian JJ Drinkwater, I've started The Connolly Telegraph. This new blog will cover news on the 19th Century sims of Second Life. This includes Caledon, New Babbage, Steelhead City, Tombstone (both sims), Yankton, Deadwood, and many more. The vision for this blog is to unite the 19th Century citizens while still retaining the unique character and atmosphere of the individual sims.

I've only set up the URLs for now. Content will come later as I get things settled.

By the way, Blogger now offers their own polls. I'll be trying this little widget soon.


Anonymous said...

So did you finally go out and get yourself cloned Zoe?

Timmeh said...

Zoe!!! You are the only one who deserves 100% in that blog addiction test ;-)

Squad 7 said...

It's just another reason I use the word "Insatiable" in my blog title.

tiana meriman said...

you have way to many blogs! how do you find the time to do all these XD

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing inspiration to us "lesser" bloggers. Your caffeine intake must be frightening! {:o) As always you are blazing a trail for the rest of us to follow. Congratulations and take care.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, how do you find time for slex? ;-)

Squad 7 said...

@ Timothy...

At least I push my stats up to 99%.

@ Wrath... SLexual activity has gone way down...(Checks SLex Meter) yup, down 50 percent.(punches Slex Meter). Owww, my hand!

But hey, when you have a blogging fetish like mine, you still find ways.

Plus, here's a bit of news, I was interviewed by a reporter from SLNN today. She's interested in The Connolly Telegraph idea.

@ DW, Tiana, and Tinsel...

Thanks for the comments and yeah, (shrugs), I need time, clones, etc...or independent wealth. Heh.

Artesia Beaumont said...

Hi Zoe, I love your idea of having a blog about the multiple sims! I look forward to seeing it! You go Zoe! Hugs!