Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The End of RCAF (major rant)

There are some things one cannot fight. And one thing is clear...fighting a friend - or someone I thought was a friend - is just not my idea of having fun in Second Life. And I'm here to have fun more than anything else!

I'm just so very tired of being upset over something as silly as this! Do I not have the right to my own interpretation of what is steampunk? Apparently I do not! Every frakking Science Fiction device known to mankind is accepted to exist except WW1 era design aeroplanes? Give me a frakking break!

I'm tired of fights over theme, tired of the sniping and the taunts in Caledon Group Chat. Tired of the debate over what is Victorian Steampunk and what isn't. Tired of losing someone I thought was my friend. Someone who once welcomed me into Caledon Society and now stabs me in the back at every turn. I'm tired of feeling hurt all the time!

He will not stop. He will not ever stop. And right now I just don't frakking care.

So here's to the Royal Caledon Air Force! She was great for a few months until the fun was drained out of her.

My airfield in Caledon Penzance will be turned into private land on March 16th and the RCAF will be disbanded at that time. My airfield will be available for use by my close friends and we'll fly whatever the hell we feel like flying.

That is all.

RCAF personnel are now dismissed.


Géd said...

Too bad!!
I fancied joining the RCAF and it is just disbanded...
My destiny is to always be late anywhere I arrive:(

Anonymous said...

Hi, Zoe,
I'm sad to read that folks have been giving you hassles over narrow interpretations of steampunk. We're of the same mind that folks need to relax a little about consensual settings like steampunk. Sad to see your blog is on hiatus; you're such a fun writer to follow. Keep flying and perhaps we'll cross contrails at some point on the grid.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a shame, and I completely agree that you should be free to exercise your own interpretation of what Steampunk is. This leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, I am not a resident of the Steampunk/Victorian sims, but I play my avatar in that fashion, there is plenty i could point out as not being in the 'spirit' of MY vision of 'what steampunk is', but dammit I wouldn't have the audacity, or the bare-faced cheek, not to mention the egotism to try and limit what others can do, or create in what is, let's face it, an IMAGINARY scenario. My feeling is that biplanes and WW1 era planes fit in nicely with a Steampunk aesthetic, for crying out loud there are plenty of airships floating around these sims from the 1930-1940s, let alone the 1910-20s! I've seen radiomasts, microphones and no end of Art Deco, no one seems to bat an eyelid about these. For the love of Steam, we're not historic re-enactors! I am a frequent visitor to the sims in question and I am very sorry to see the demise of the Airforce who I believe added colour, excitement and a tremendous swathe of style to the whole affair. It must be noted that you sadly follow in the great tradition of flyer pioneers, in that they are either seen as splendidly exciting and dashing, or as upstarts ruining everything. Chin up, you have your admirers as well as your detractors.

Skusting Dagger said...

This is utterly heartbreaking news!
I was quite sure you used Professor Nishi's Temporal Cabinet to bring back the parts of the more futuristic aircraft to be rebuilt in the past.
I do hope you can sort things out.

Edward Pearse said...

Don't let on control freak ruin your fun. He's only pissy because he didn't create the RCAF himself.

Squad 7 said...

Thank you all for the kind words!

As you can imagine, I've received a flurry of messages since this announcement. AirChiefMarshal Sin Trenton and Group Captain Mordecai Scaggs both convinced me to place all plans on hold for a time whilst things sort out. I shall indeed do so. Please stay tuned.

Skusting Dagger said...

"For the love of Steam, we're not historic re-enactors!"
I could not agree more! For how could one possibly re-enact something that is basically science fiction?
If we are not allowed to use our imaginations to the fullest in SL, and have complete enjoyment whilst doing it, then what are we even here for?
Have Jules Verne and H.G. Wells taught us nothing?
(and I must confess that certain events in my own life have put me onto an emotional roller coaster as of late. News like this indeed does bring tears to my eyes and a choke to my throat. It is an utterly unacceptable situation in my mind.) So good to hear that Air Marshall Trenton and Captain Scaggs have convinced you to keep a cooler head and reconsider the matter. They are gentlemen of renown and honor, and I know they will stand by your side, as will my own humble and relatively unkown self.

R. said...

I will still always salute you.

Tiessa said...

I hate it when idiots like that spoil all the fun for others. It's like some people can't stand to allow others to achieve or enjoy themselves unless that person is the center and cause of it all.

They just don't know how to accept things the way they are and let others have a chance to "be in charge."

Well, you know you'll always have my support Zoe. Not that I have ever been a part of the Caledon society.

So, are these idiots willing to accept the tropes of the original creators of Victorian weird science like Verne, Wells, etc? If they are, they are alright with spheres shot to the moon, but not with WWI aircraft? They can stand time machines and giant walking craft from Mars, but not a WWI tri-plane?

I know Time Machines are alright, I bought one in Caledon ;)

I know steampunk really turned into a "genre" in the 80s, but to me, Verne will always be the prototype for steampunk, with 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, Journey To The Center Of The Earth, and From The Earth To The Moon.

Those were the first science fiction books I ever read! Sandwiched in between my reading of Black Beauty and Little House On The Prairie were undersea fights with sea monsters and time machines. And yes, my Barbie dolls did a stint in that submarine (as mermaids of course :)

Unknown said...

My dear Zoe,

You know you are like a sister and mentor to me in SL. I hope you'll stay in Penzance and fight-on with RCAF, or at the very least - keep the aerodrome as a space for your friends in aviation. What a wonderful addition to Caledon society!

We'll set-up somewhere else if need be, but whatever your decision, you know that I have your 6 o'clock!

tc my friend,


Anonymous said...

If you leave (and if I can raise the funds), I pledge to fly, taxi, and land F-22s, SR-71s, SpaceShipTwos, DC-3s, B-29s and AH-64s througout Caledon, as land permissions allow.

I will drive around in a Toyota FJ Cruiser, a Jaguar X-Type, a Pontiac Firebird that looks like KITT, a 1965 Ford Mustang, or a 1985 IROC Camaro, and park where permitted.

I will do as many of these things I possibly can.


Frau A. S. Lowey said...

I do not wish to see the airfields go. The Authenticity Police are everywhere, aren't they? You need to follow your vision, and if it takes you elsewhere (though I fervently hope not) please give a forwarding address... I haven't crashed all the demonstrators, yet.

Samantha Poindexter said...

Oh no.

I have treasured having your airfield across the road from my parcel, and have often shown it to visitors as epitomizing what I love about Caledon. I would be very very very sorry indeed to lose you as a neighbor.

Maria Wingtips said...

Glad to hear that all plans are on hold. It was really fun to fly over Caledon, and be a part of RCAF, even if only for a short time!

I hope it gets sorted out before RCAF is finished.

Michael Röhm said...

I am not associated with the RCAF - but I must throw in my two cents of support. No-one has a right to ruin someone else's fun and RP.

This is a place for enjoyment and entertainment. Anyone who decides to do some idiotic dick-waving in an attempt to look more "legitimate" is by default a fool. Steampunk is a form of speculative science fiction. It is not something that can be measured as "accurate."

My advice: Ignore dick-waving fun-killers. Don't let yourself be troubled by them. Someone who feels the need to ruin someone else's utterly harmless fun isn't worth your attention anyway. They are infantile and idiotic. Keep on keeping on, having fun and don't let the bastard(s) keep you down.

Eladrienne Laval said...


You inspired a tiny ferret to fly. I will always be grateful for that. I believed in your vision and so did so many others both in and out of Caledon. I am heartbroken by this decision. Please reconsider...the RCAF is bigger than this...more than THAT. Believe me...I've been tired of it all too, but you can not let them keep you from continuing to realize your vision.

Keep on flyin' Foxy and you know you always have and have had my support *hugs*,


Unknown said...

I hope you will just freeze it and give it 30 days at least to see if you change your mind, people are cruel.


Gryffin Hax Jr. said...

Miss Connolly,

The most important person you need to listen to is you. Whomever these other people are that don't have the imagination or the ability you have should play no part in your decision-making.

You have inspired many people in Caledon, who have joined you in your storylines and roleplays. Let them be your inspiration now.

Reopen the airfield.
Let the RCAF fly again.

Caterin Semyorka said...

Very sorry to hear this Zoe.

Gryffin Hax Jr. said...

I did a little nosing around. It turns out that the guy who gave you shit about your planes not being historically Victorian enough is the same guy who parked a giant flying hotdog in the harbor at Middlesea. Talk about "man on dog"! I hope that punk is steamed, because if it's grilled, it's an anachronism.

I've heard recently that my Inkyboy Gallery shouldn't be in Caledon because it veers toward the Edwardian. Oh, the horrors! I think I shall shit a tea cozy. Has anyone seen the rest of Regency? It's a bit more decor-advanced than the rest of Caledon. Nix Sands continues to make beautiful builds, and Miss Hirvi's furniture store is marvelous. All very forward-thinking and city-like. I really hope the Middlesea Faux Boat Brigade decides to play purity police and send the bathtub fleet over to attack us. Maybe they can beam into the telehub and float their little boats in Lost Squirrel's Ditch. Everyone come out and watch the fun. I'll be out on my patio with my thunderbolt launcher cooking a giant hotdog.

Skusting Dagger said...

@Mr. Hax... I would love to join you for that weiner roast. And perhaps we could impose upon Miss Malaprop to concoct an extra spicy and potent mustard for the occaision!

Desmond Shang said...

I have waited some time to make any commentary here as comments in the heat of the moment are rarely any good.

This whole situation has pained me greatly. It is hard to describe just how much.

* * * * *

For everyone who has commented here: please re-read your words.


With the perspective that you represent yourself and your community. I'm not asking anyone to change anything, or take any action. Just read what you wrote. As a casual reader might.

Perhaps we must face the fact that we are all normal people, with normal feelings and normal sentiments.

Yet, I still aspire for more. I dream of civility, of perseverance against the odds, and a sense of... gallantry.

Sure, these things will happen. Bad along with the good, especially in the very free and open society that Caledon is. I'm surprised it took this long for a dust-up of this magnitude, quite frankly.

I may own the regions, but I do not own the community. You all are precisely who you choose to be. If you collectively wish for division, you'll have it - there is no possible way I could put spin on a community with something like 100 blogs.

However if you wish for something more, you are all capable of that too. Caledon's community is long known for its bright spirit, its welcoming cheerfulness, its ability to overcome - and its ability to have fun.

A few bumps on the road won't tarnish two solid years of excellence much. Caledon's community has been a shining star on the grid, and I believe it will remain so; even brighten.

That said, realise everyone involved in the community is an ambassador.

And not just for Caledon. These blogs are some of the most illuminating pages that illustrate *who we are* on the grid, and in Second Life.

I am very happy that Zoe has had an outpouring of support. This is wonderful. But I dream of something even more.

Every harsh word lingers on a blog; every commentary remains for years to come, to sting. Forgiveness is rarely documented. Anger, however, is.

Something to think about when next month someone else is the outsider due to word, deed, or accident. This happens in every community. How we deal with it says more about us, than the outsider du jour.

* * * * *

Even as events cool off inworld and time rolls on, the virtual ink dries on these pages and sets. Perceptions burn in and Google indexes every angry sentiment for posterity. Some of you rarely post much elsewhere. I'm hoping that all of you will be remembered for forgiveness, peace, and good cheer, not anger.

There will always be someone at any given time that has 'upset the group' - no matter when you look. I shall always be a defender of the eccentrics, the underdogs, the dreamers, the troubled - for I suspect every single one of you has been there from time to time. Almost no matter what has been done.

If any of you have felt you were somehow damaged more than I have been by this incident, send me a message privately. I won't spell it out here, but you might find yourself rather stunned. Regardless, I shall carry on in good spirit and good cheer. For you see, I have no other option. Too many people depend on me.

Caledon itself will sink into the virtual sea before I let it become the island of the Lord of the Flies. We are all Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy... different characters on different days.

I shall not allow anyone's dreams to be crushed out of hand. And no one is going to be formally censured for voicing opinions.

This is how it works, as long as I am involved.

I shall now 'set down the conch' and no longer reply here about this matter. The rest is up to all of you.

Desmond Shang, Guvnah
Independent State of Caledon

Desmond Shang said...

I wrote a very lengthy reply just now, but I fear the comment form expired and has destroyed it. The gist was this:

* * * * *

This whole situation has pained me greatly.

Bad along with good will happen, especially in the very free and open society that Caledon is. I'm surprised it took this long for something of this magnitude.

The outpouring of support for Zoe is a positive thing. I support Zoe's efforts too. But *how* support has been expressed - could have been better.

Everyone involved in the community is an ambassador. And not just for Caledon. These blogs are some of the most illuminating pages that illustrate *who we are* on the grid, and in Second Life.

I think everyone on both sides of the incident needs to appreciate one central fact: every harsh word lingers for a long, long time.

Those words represent the speaker a lot longer than they represent the issue of the day. Forgiveness is rarely documented, yet anger however, is. It says a lot about ourselves.

* * * * *

There will always be someone who finds themselves 'the outsider' of any group by word, deed or even accident. But how we deal with that says more about us, than the outsider du jour.

Next month, someone else will be the next 'outsider' for the day. Perhaps then, my words here will make sense.

Something to think about.

* * * * *

No one's dreams are going to be crushed out of hand. No one is going to be formally censured.

And that is how it works, as long as I am involved.

Desmond Shang, Guvnah
Independent State of Caledon