Monday, February 18, 2008

Public Beta 1.0.4 Released! « The WeGame Blog


Virrginia Tombola and I got a mention on the Blog!

Public Beta 1.0.4 Released! « The WeGame Blog

".......Hello WeGamers!

Just a quick little patch released to improve hooking in general, but in particular to help out Second Life users that may have been experiencing some pretty severe issues when they tried to start recording. Thanks to all those who helped us out with this release, particularly our users ZoeConnolly and Virrginia. Second Life should now be working properly. If there are any other issues, or would like to see more games included, please let us know at"

Public Beta 1.0.4 Released! « The WeGame Blog


Virrginia Tombola said...

/me basks in the glow of fame.

Or is that notoriety?

In any event, I do really appreciate what the WeGame staff put up, but I decided to get Fraps. The resolution is better, and it's more versatile. But without the freebie WeGame video capture, I never would have started with machinima at all.

Squad 7 said...

Indeed so!

After I encode and post the last of my WeGame video captures from the weekend, I'll be using Fraps and VideoDub almost exclusively.