Sunday, February 10, 2008

Manifest Destiny

My land holdings grow once again!

My very first Victorian Steampunk lot was a rental flat in Babbage Canals in New Babbage. I've rented that space since May or June 2007 and have always searched for a suitable lot for a project.

Here are a few photographs of my new 2048 parcel in Port Babbage. I've commissioned the fine talents of Mr. Syxx Craig of the Edison Corporation to build a suitable structure worthy of the surrounding area.

Special thanks to the former Majestic Navy of New Babbage and Admiral Titanas Vella. This is the site of the old Admiralty House. The parcel will now be known as Babbage Air Station where Mr Craig was last seen busily building a hanger structure.


Tinsel Silvera said...

Welcome back to New Babbage Miss Zoe! {:o)

Batou said...

Hear, hear - a second to that, madam!

Skusting Dagger said...

May I ask who you had been renting to in the Canals? I never knew you had a place there!

Squad 7 said...

Thank you gentlemen!

Mr Dagger, I rent a flat in one of Miss Trudeau's row-houses in the Canal District from Mayor Sprocket. I've already told him to rent to another once my time there expires.

Skusting Dagger said...

Ah! I understand now!
And this whole time, I had no idea!
Looking forward to seeing you buzz our fair skies!
(though at our altitude and occasional poor visibility due to local industry, you may find yourself with an entirely new challenge)

Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

Fraulein Connolly,

'Former' Majestic Navy? Is it now merely 'Glorious' or 'National'?


Klaus Wulfenbach