Monday, June 4, 2007

Attention Scriptors!

(is it scriptors? scripters? those who script?)

I have an idea for a new gadget/tool that would greatly enhance both blog reading and SL time management.

While at work, a coffeehouse, bookstore, etc...I read a great many blogs and many of those are related to Second Life. Some of those blogs have SLurls to great places inworld. By the time I get home where I can get down to some Second Life exploring, I've forgotten about those sims I need to visit.

So here's my idea. A toolbar or desktop gadget that saves and sorts your collected SLurls and that will, after SL logon, transfer your findings to your inworld HUD.


Happy Teleporting!

All I ask in return is that you give me free copies for life. Heh.

Of course if this has already been done, please let me know. I need it like...last week.


Anonymous said...

I want that too!

Anyone know if this can be done? There's L$ in that thar idea. Codie? What do you think? I know you're lurkin'.

Kris Constellation said...

Noticed, nice idea because I've also this kind of trouble. I love reading rss with google reader (as it's one of the most convenient to resume reading from work to home)... Maybe I could find a way to read starred item and grab SLurl...

However one of the matter with LSL scripting is that it only reads a small excerpt of an http answer so you would need another trick..

I've signed for Google Mashups and I'm eager to write some online applications to help LSL a bit.. will have to wait a bit or find another way.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Saving SLurls from the browser and sending them to SL, rather than the other way around? Hm. I'm not quite sure how that would be generally possible, since browsers vary so much.

I could possibly work up a script for Safari which saved one's SLurl locations and uploaded them somewhere visible; I imagine such is possible for Firefox and other things; it's just that that really isn't an area of expertise for me. Given a list somewhere I could certainly make an SL gadget which accessed it, though.

Squad 7 said...

Yes, it would be more complex than usual, but a successful script that covered several browsers would fetch many a linden dollar.

I do think it would be an instant hit, if it were possible.

Dalien said...

I think this is doable. Stay tuned :-)

Codie said...

I think the Del.Iciou.Us idea is a good one. I also already tought of Foxmarks as a source, using a special predetermined category like SLURL or something like that. This is more than doable. Of course the idea would be to allow both exports and imports, off and in world. I don't think theres L$ to do. For that kind of script, I don't think much people would pay, and as a developper I would prefer wide adoption so I would opt for opensource/freebie.

Squad 7 said...


Freebies are always good and....hey wait a minute...why not offer this as a free tool, courtesy of the Second Life Bloggers group!
