Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Amazing Avatars :: Rael

Let's see, first I had a noob IM me for SLex without really reading my chat. Then a woman IM'd to persuade me into having a webcam sex session for some "hot horny guy" she "kinda knew". What the frak?

So I was pleasantly surprised when I received a compliment on my avatar appearance from Rael. Now here was someone interesting who didn't mention having SLex in the first few sentences. She was delighted when I asked her if I could take a few snapshots for my blog. She appeared to be a very fascinating Goth-Alien. I'm not sure if she was going for that exact look but it certainly looked great to this goth-scifi-steampunk fan.


Anonymous said...

Yeah--that's a beautiful av, Zoe. Nice find. Next time, sind the noob into Topgol... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Indeed nice looking. Reminds me a bit of the Requiem comic series. Don't know if they exist in English.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Vint, a search tells me that Requiem, Le Chevalier Vampire has been translated into English and published in Heavy Metal magazine. However, I'd like to try and read them in French. Maybe I'd learn to not write like a first-year student:

"Michelle, Anne? Vous travaillez?"

"Euh, non. Nous regardons la television. Pourquoi?"

"Les DuPont arrives dans une heure."

Anonymous said...

Hey Zoe! Tin Man here. Can you add my blog to your SteamPunk Blog Roll? I can't blog on it to ask because you don't have it set up for "Other" and I don't subscribe to Blogger or Blogspot. Thanks.

Squad 7 said...

Hi Tinsel,

I've added your blog to the steampunk blogroll as well as the larger blogroll of SL links. Plus, I've changed the comment settings to allow anyone to post.

- Zoe

October Hush said...

Oh, I know Rael! I haven't seen her in a long time.