Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I'll have another Starbucks or Tim Horton's please...

High-caffeine venting...

I know I'm sounding too emotional about this, but I'm sick and tired of this new policy shit and disregard for the real frustrations from user/residents. Ok yeah it started with ageplay...yadda yadda yadda...I hate it too. So, with that disclaimer out of the way...

LL is too preoccupied with political correctness when they should be improving technology. If they pretend they're something else LL may well be sued out of existence. Or more likely, it will be purchased by a far more strict company. It will mean the Disneyfication of SL and we will likely lose everything we've built here. Imagine a strict Human Resources controlled workplace. Do you want to come home from work and login to a virtual world that reminds you of the office?

If things don't improve I'm likely to leave SL...and yes I'm drinking lots of coffee today and yes I reserve the right to change my mind!


Anonymous said...

Venting can be good...
Venting while on high doses of caffeine not so much.....
But glad you got that off your chest Zoe

tiana meriman said...

i'm thinking the right thing zoe, i just didnt announce it yet cause i wanna see what happens and 2 post about me leaving would make me pathetic. i'll wait and see what happen, hopefully things wont change too much

Anonymous said...

@lmao, Tiana

Well, we can still try to get some reason into the Lindens? ;) They must realise that they are nothing with a grid that only has marketeers and nobody to market to. (On the other hand, maybe some escorts will still be allowed to stay, solely to attent to the marketeer's needs? ;)

Squad 7 said...

I'm a bit more calm today, but yeah...still angry over this.

DW: I need coffee. That's all I'm saying on that subject.

Tiana: Yeah, if I rant about leaving I'll always place a disclaimer stating I reserve the right to change my mind. I could stay in the Victorian Era sims and be perfectly happy and LL policy might never affect me, but I have to speak my mind and preserve the grid as a whole and not just parts I favor.

Vint: That reminds me of the planet mentioned in The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, where a spaceship full of marketing managers crash lands on a planet. They discuss at length if there's a real market demand for building a fire for heat and cooking. Having the escorts there would certainly give the marketeers a group to, um...survey...