Thursday, January 22, 2015

SL Group for Aviation Roleplayers: SLHPA (helicopter pilots of SL)

SLHPA isn't a new group, I've had it for a year or two now, so following some real life family and family business stuff, I've dramatically increasing my SL presence and I'm able to fly again (Thanks to SLGo by OnLive).

I'll be promoting this and other groups as much as possible. What can I say? I'm an event planner. Plus SL brings out my inner-tomboy-ish heart (it's a good thing I have two sons - who are fully immersed in Minecraft - I'm sure many of you can relate).

From the Group description

SLHPA = Second Life Helicopter Pilots Association
A group for helicopter aficionados, builders, and pilots.

At SLHPA, we LOVE helicopters!

Look for announcements about new releases from our favorite builders, great flying venues, dangerous areas. We'll even announce VICE air combat and adventurous roleplay.

Just search for SLHPA (helicopter pilots of SL)


Fire Chopper Pilot
Helicopter Pilot
MedEvac Pilot
SAR Chopper Pilot (SAR = Search and Rescue)

Oh! And speaking of TV NEWS.

ATTENTION HELICOPTER BUILDERS! Please create a TV NEWS Helicopter for us pilot/aviation photographers in SL. The Jet Ranger would be perfect for this, just add a TV NEW Texture and mount a camera or two. Thank you!

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